How to overcome limiting beliefs

Everyone has that one dream that they will achieve someday, or when they have time or after they get married, etc.   Does this sound like you?  This is something I think all of us face at some point in our lives, and if these limiting beliefs are stopping you from pursuing your dreams then how do you overcome them.   First, lets determine what common things may be getting in your way and need to be overcome.

You are:

  1. Making excuses
  2. Procrastinating
  3. Worrying about mistakes or failure
  4. Trying to be perfect
  5. Hesitating
  6. Thinking negatively
  7. Complaining
  8. Forming bad habits

For example, you have a goal of purchasing your first rental property in the next year.  It may be a very realistic goal, but you may think to yourself.  I don’t know what I am doing and may fail.  Or a year passes and nothing has happened and you say: maybe in another year I will get a property.

Your first step will be to identify what is getting in your way of achieving your goals.  Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How did I form this belief?
  2. Why can’t I overcome this barrier?
  3. Why do I continue to maintain this belief?
  4. How am I attaining happiness from this belief?

From there you should be able to identify the limiting belief and think differently about it. You may think that you aren’t very committed to the goal, don’t have the time, don’t have the energy, don’t have enough money or need more skills to accomplish it.  You need to instead determine if the goal is important to you and how you can make the time, get the training you need, and reallocate your priorities so that you do have the energy to accomplish it.

Going back to the rental property example, write down the steps you are going to take to accomplish that goal within a year.  Or even challenge yourself to get it done sooner!

Example steps:

  1. Listen to podcasts, read books, network with local investors to overcome the lack of knowledge limitation.
  2. If you don’t have time or energy to dedicate to the goal, find out what is eating up all of your time and decide what is time suckers are absolutely necessary and how you can make the time you need to accomplish your goal.
  3. Money is a tricky one, but if you focus hard on cutting spending or making some extra money on the side, you can have what you need to get started.   You can also look for others who you can borrow or invest with in order to get going sooner.  There usually are ways to either find money or do this with little or no money out of your pocket.  Be creative!

Think about the consequences of holding on to your limiting beliefs to help you transform your thoughts to work towards your desired outcome.  The simple step of changing, I can’t, with how can I, can really help you shift your focus.  You may regret it later down the road if you never overcome your limiting beliefs.  Step out of your box, discover your dreams and make them happen!

Take back your passion!  Please leave comments of your own experiences below.  

Photos by LotsaSmiles Photography

Taking Back Passion

Everyone has that one dream that they will achieve someday, or when they have time or after they get married, etc.   Does this sound like you?  This is something I think all of us face at some point in our lives, and if these limiting beliefs are stopping you from pursuing your dreams then how do you overcome them.   First, lets determine what common things may be getting in your way and need to be overcome.

You are:

  1. Making excuses
  2. Procrastinating
  3. Worrying about mistakes or failure
  4. Trying to be perfect
  5. Hesitating
  6. Thinking negatively
  7. Complaining
  8. Forming bad habits

For example, you have a goal of purchasing your first rental property in the next year.  It may be a very realistic goal, but you may think to yourself.  I don’t know what I am doing and may fail.  Or a year passes and nothing has happened and you say: maybe…

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