Taking Back Your Life – Travel

Taking Back Your Life – Travel

Traveling isn’t for everyone. However, I do believe it can change your views of life and the world we live in. Most my days I spend hunched over a computer, working in Excel spreadsheets. My pay is good, but so what. Am I happy? Not really. The day job seems to get in the way of my passions. For me that is traveling the world and making quality films on YouTube.

Mitaka Japan - Near Studio Ghibli

I’m young, do not have any kids, and do not own a home. The only thing binding me to my current living situation are our two beautiful cats and our pile of stuff we don’t really need. Even then, that situation can be remedied. I have family that can take a lot of that off our hands and a wife that is on board with this idea. If you really want something different out of life, there is always a way to go get it.

In previous posts, I’ve written about becoming free from the chains of life that hold us back. The day job, the bills, and the stuff that fills the rooms in my apartment keeps me in my slave box. Ending all of these things will make me free. With just a backpack on my back and a meager amount of savings, I will travel the world with my wife. Together we plan to explore parts of up to five continents over a year.

Welcome sign inside Narita Airport

Why do I want to travel?

Freedom – Each day I live will be based on what I choose and not bending to someone else’s demands. Exploring new places and getting away from it all should help better hone in what I truly care about in life. I know it will change me, and I really want that change. You only live once. Live it!

Inspiration – When you are stuck in a wheel, being inspired or having time to pursue your passions is difficult. This trip should allow me to find myself and help shape the next half of my life. I can feel like a kid again with something new around every corner.

Ryokan in Kyoto Japan

Isn’t the world a scary place?

Not really. To put it into perspective, there are people in Europe that will not come to the U.S. because of how many people are shot in Chicago. That seems silly right? Every country has their good and bad places. A single incident, or one violent area should not blacklist whether or not you go somewhere. Obviously do your research and be safe, but fear is the biggest reason we don’t do a lot of things in life. Overcome it!

Costa Rica Tarcoles River Cruise and Crocodiles

We are going to Norway this month and plan to do car camping through some of the most amazing landscapes in Europe. This is just a vacation, but we are getting our feet wet for our big year-long trip.

If you want to follow our existing travels and our upcoming trip around the world, please visit bigtinyworld.com.

Photo Credit LotsaSmiles Photography

Have you traveled outside of the U.S.? If so, what did you get out of it?

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3 thoughts on “Taking Back Your Life – Travel

  1. Travel is certainly liberating! Those worldly experiences will change who you are; I don’t know anyone who didn’t become a better person from travel. Get out there and take back your sanity, your freedom, your LIFE. Too bad you can’t take the kitties with you. They’d rather take back their naps 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally feel this! I find that travelling acts as a sort of remedy for me – it allows me to be free, see new places, get out of the routine I was in while at home, and it enables me to open my perspectives and let go of biases that I may have had.

    Liked by 1 person

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